2020/12/17 以后版本支持
reset saved-configuration 输入Y reboot 输入N 输入Y
<Quidway>reset saved-configuration =》 恢复出厂设置指令 Warning: The action will delete the saved configuration in the device. The configuration will be erased to reconfigure. Continue? [Y/N]:Y =》 输入Y确认恢复 Warning: Now clearing the configuration in the device. Oct 1 2008 00:16:06-05:13 Quidway %%01CFM/4/RST_CFG(l)[0]:The user chose Y when deciding whether t o reset the saved configuration. Info: Succeeded in clearing the configuration in the device. <Quidway>reboot =》重启 Info: The system is now comparing the configuration, please wait. Warning: The configuration has been modified, and it will be saved to the next startup saved-config uration file . Continue? [Y/N]:N =》 输入N不保存配置 Info: If want to reboot with saving diagnostic information, input 'N' and then execute 'reboot save diagnostic-information'. System will reboot! Continue?[Y/N]:Y =》 输入Y确认重启 Oct 1 2008 00:16:31-05:13 Quidway %%01CMD/4/REBOOT(l)[1]:The user chose Y when deciding whether to reboot the system. (Task=co0, Ip=**, User=**) Info: System is rebooting, please wait... Oct 1 2008 00:16:32-05:13 Quidway %%01SRM/4/MSTRSCURST(l)[2]:Master SCU is reset. Oct 1 2008 00:16:32-05:13 Quidway %%01SRM/4/RESETREASON(l)[3]:Board reset by VRP command or net ma nager. System reboot at 00:16:33 BIOS loading ... 漫长的等待... 约1分钟.... Recover configuration...OK! => 恢复配置成功 Press ENTER to get started.
An initial password is required for the first login via the console. Continue to set it? [Y/N]: Y =》 输入Y设置密码 Set a password and keep it safe. Otherwise you will not be able to login via the console. Please configure the login password (8-16) =》 2次输入密码,8-16个字符 Enter Password: Confirm Password:
<Quidway>sys [Quidway]interface MEth 0/0/1 [Quidway-MEth0/0/1]ip address [Quidway-MEth0/0/1]quit [Quidway]
[Quidway]telnet server enable Warning: Telnet is not a secure protocol, and it is recommended to use Stelnet.
创建telnet登录账号 admin, 密码 mq123456
[Quidway]aaa [Quidway-aaa] undo local-user admin [Quidway-aaa]local-user admin password cipher mq123456 <= 配置用户名、密码 [Quidway-aaa]local-user admin privilege level 15 <= 配置用户权限为15,最高权限 [Quidway-aaa]local-user admin service-type telnet <= 配置用户的接入类型为telnet [Quidway-aaa]quit [Quidway]user-interface vty 0 4 [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa <= 配置VTY用户的验证界面为AAA [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound all <= 配置VTY用户界面支持的协议为所有 [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]quit [Quidway]
[Quidway]aaa //配置用户信息 [Quidway-aaa]local-user huawei password cipher huawei [Quidway-aaa]local-user huawei service-type ssh telnet [Quidway-aaa]local-user huawei privilege level 15 [Quidway-aaa]quit [Quidway]stelnet server enable [Quidway]user-interface vty 0 4 [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]authentication-mode aaa [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]protocol inbound all [Quidway-ui-vty0-4]quit [Quidway]ssh user huawei authentication-type password //配置ssh验证及业务,非常重要 [Quidway]ssh user huawei service-type stelnet 关于SSH版本: 版本主要有1.3,1.5,2.0。 交换机做SSH服务器时,默认同时支持SSH1.x和SSH 2,登陆设备后会显示SSH 1.99,其实就是v1 v2的兼容模式。 [HUAWEI] ssh server compatible-ssh1x enable (默认开启) 如果客户端的协议版本号低于1.3或高于2.0,则版本协商失败,断开连接。 如果客户端的协议版本为大于等于1.3并且小于1.99,如果系统配置为兼容SSH1.X方式,则进入SSH1.5 SERVER模块, 后续进行SSH1.x协议流程,否则版本协商失败,断开与客户端的连接。 如客户端协议版本为1.99或2.0,则进入SSH2.0 SERVER模块,后续进行SSH2.0协议流程。
在AAA视图下面给admin用户修改密码的时候提示错误无法修改成功; 告警信息
[S7706-aaa] local-user admin password cipher Huawei@123!@# Error: The password encryption mode cannot be changed.
解决办法:先 undo local-user admin
3、密码: Admin@huawei.com A必须大写。
4、选着7 Clear password for console user (选择清除console用户密码模式)。
5、选择1 Boot with default mode(键入1启动默认模式),进入后更改Console 及telnet密码。
Wind River Linux localhost console localhost login: root (automatic login) Jan 23 2017, 19:22:34 BootLoad version : 020a.0001 Backup U-Boot ............................................................. done Press Ctrl+B or Ctrl+E to enter BootLoad menu: 1 Password: <= 输入密码 Admin@huawei.com The default password is used now. Change the password. BootLoad Menu 1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Enter ethernet submenu 5. Enter filesystem submenu 6. Enter password submenu 7. Clear password for console user 8. Reboot (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu) Enter your choice(1-8): 7 Note: Clear password for console user? Yes or No(Y/N): Y Clear password for console user successfully. Note: Choose "1. Boot with default mode" to boot, then set a new password BootLoad Menu 1. Boot with default mode 2. Enter serial submenu 3. Enter startup submenu 4. Enter ethernet submenu 5. Enter filesystem submenu 6. Enter password submenu 7. Clear password for console user 8. Reboot (Press Ctrl+E to enter diag menu) Enter your choice(1-8): 1 Now, the current startup file is flash:/s5720ei-v200r010c00spc600.cc
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